Friday, February 25, 2011

The Art of Negotiation

For the past week, we've been trying Otter to poop. We have explored all the obvious avenues, from bribery...
("Every time you go, you'll get a sticker!")

to story-telling...
("All the animals go poopy, every day!"
"The doggies?"
"Yes, the doggies."
"The penguins?"
"Yes, the penguins."
"The maned wolf?" Really? The maned wolf???
"Yes, especially the maned wolf.")

to reason...
("If you don't go, your tummy will hurt. It won't hurt if you go every day.")

to mildly veiled threats...
("If you don't go yourself, I'm going to have to use medicine. Now I'm not telling you this to scare you, but just to tell you that's going to have to happen...")

Negotiations are not going well.

But perhaps this is because once again, we've under-estimated our opponent. The other day, SB was playing with a stuffed hamster/mouse and, in the course of their morning had him "go poop." I thought we were just a hop, skip and a jump away from her following suit. Instead, she demanded a sticker - on his behalf.

And somehow got it.

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