Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn

SB partied from 2:30 - 5 a.m. last night. We ignored, we let her "cry it out," we replaced the pacifier, we turned on the mobile, we rocked, we comforted, we patted her back. We failed. She finally passed out from sheer exhaustion.

She's either teething (which we've been saying for the past 4 months to the tune of zero teeth) or about to make a developmental milestone (my own theory that I use to comfort myself through the sleepless nights).

At this point, she'd better greet me with a toothy smile and say "I'm off for my afternoon jaunt, mummy. Can I get you anything while I'm out?"


Petrina said...

Oh Nat, I feel your pain. Last night we got a welcome reprieve and had the luxury of uninterrupted sleep through 5 am but the past 10 days or so, she'd been waking up between 1 and 2 and would refuse to go back to sleep in her crib...I'd cave in each night and bring her back to our room only to have her kicking and pinching us in her sleep. She's a nefarious little fart at times!

I hope Otter gets some rest and allows you some as well!

She-Blob said...

Ugh - I feel for you! I won't bring her into bed any more. We might have come out the other side, though just having typed that, I know I jinxed the whole operation!