In a crazy, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants fashion moment, I have discarded my usual uniform of jeans, t-shirt and Docs for something a bit more weather appropriate. So I am wearing...
a skirt (let those zombie-white legs show, darlin')...
heels (which make walking a bit challenging from lack of practice)...
and, most importantly, a REAL bra. Yep, that's right folks. I have traded in my utilitarian, clasps on each cup nursing bra (which is hideous, despite claims by my mother and m-i-l that things used to be much, much worse) for a snazzy, hot pink, before-there-was-baby REAL bra! There are no extra hinges, or hidden compartments. There is push-upness and shape. There is cleavage (or, as close an approximation to cleavage as I am ever likely to get).
I feel decidedly un-momish. Now if only I could figure out how to pump with this thing...
***This photo is SOOOOO not me. Mom and dad, you can exhale.
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