Tuesday, July 29, 2008

...And Turns Right Back Again...

I'm pretty sure She-Blob is going to be stubborn. I know this, because two days after teasing us by turning sideways, SB continued to turn. Unfortunately, it was in the wrong direction, back up into her sitting position. By Friday of last week, she was right back where she started, albeit with her head tipped back a little.

Whereas in the past, my numerous doctors had expressed optimism at She-Blob flipping, as time goes on they are slowly but surely abandoning the "Babies Are Known To Turn" ship in favor of the "Why Don't You Go Ahead And Schedule That C-Section" lifeboat.

Which is what we did, today. So as they say in the music biz, She-Blob is set to drop on August 26, at 2:30 pm, give or take. Unless, of course, I go labor before then. Which I told my doctor wouldn't happen. "She'll cooperate!"

To which Dr. Marine replied, "I don't know... She is a stubborn one."

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