Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Now that Otter is staying up for an hour here and there, we've run into the dilemma of what to do with that time. We've tried...

Dancing (both to modern alternative, and some 40's era swing)
Looking at kitchen gadgets (no interest there)
Looking at our toys (minimal interest in that)
The Bouncy Chair (rousing failure)
The Swing (initial success, which lasts about 2 minutes, followed by rousing failure)
The Play Mat (we LOVE us some of that music with animal sounds)
The Mobile (here we hit PAY DIRT! How do you get this thing to run 24/7?!)

I also contend that we are taking tummy time seriously. That's where you plop your helpless infant on her belly, and watch her kick futilely and try to lift her gargantuan sized head on her reedy, weak little neck while making the saddest whimpers, all in the name of developing gross motor skills and muscle tone. Suffice it to say, Otter hates tummy time and screams that gargantuan head off after about 10 seconds of it. But I am being a good, responsible mommy, dammit, and forcing her to suffer like she's supposed to!

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