Saturday, November 8, 2008

Could She-Blob Be The Next Unabomber?

With each passing day, Otter reveals more and more of her personality. She's begun to show a preference for certain toys (the heart with all the dangly things off it is a particular favorite). She expresses her opinion about my boobs (left is WAAAYYY better than the right, for reasons I don't completely understand).

She enjoys a variety of activities, while having a short attention span for most of them. The swing might be fine now, but when she's done with it, she's DONE. As noted before, her favorite spot to chat is on her changing towel. She also enjoys 40's swing music, or anything bouncy. As far as classical music is concerned, the jury's very much still out.

But along with these pleasant revelations, we've also noticed a slightly disturbing trend. While cooing to me and Bree is definitely part of Otter's day, the presence of a human is by no means necessary for her to talk. This weekend, Otter was in her bassinet in another room, when we heard it - a full-on, excited conversation with, what we can best surmise was the AC vent. I mean, the girl had volumes to say to the ceiling. Much more than she ever shares with us. She lay there for a good 20 minutes, cracking herself up with her witty banter.

Should we be concerned? Is this an early indication that she'd rather talk to furniture an appliances, destined to live out her days in an isolated cabin in the wilds of Montana, writing manifestos with the help of her ceiling fan?

Or am I over-reacting?

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