Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On the Road Again...

We have wheels. We are mobile. After the great car meltdown of 29 days ago, in which my lovely, silver Anabelle Lee careened to her untimely death by rear-ending a monster tank of a steel-reinforced Ford F-150, I was left without transportation. Which in LA is equivalent to house arrest. Sure, you can walk to the park or the 7-11, but that's about it. Come to think of it, you can do lots of things at 7-11 which parole officers would frown upon. But I digress...

Long story short - we still haven't bought a car, so yesterday we got me a sexy, graphite gray, Dodge Avenger rental. Yeah, that's me blowing through town, radio blaring, baby in the back seat. You know you've seen me.

Today was a day of mad, gleeful, out-of-house, driving required activity...
We went to the park!
We went to the bank!
We went to Target!
Yeah, what constitutes life's exciting moments has certainly been redefined in the last few months.

And bonus for us (or scary premonition of things to come) - Otter LOVED her some Target. All those colors. All those items you didn't know you wanted at discount prices. She cooed her approval.

image by Dodge

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