Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Image by snappybex

Image by cyancey

Image by BlazerMan

The countdown continued, unchronicled in the face of a mounting list of things to accomplish and an ever shrinking deadline. The family arrived and settled in, the fight for bathroom time began, and I grew more and more short tempered, obsessed over our sink, argued about chocolate covered almonds and was generally a pain in the ass.

On Monday (8/25) our kitchen was finally finished-ish. Since our light fixtures are still MIA, we can't quite say it's done, or will ever be. But for the moment, we welcomed our kitchen into existence and began the arduous process of unpacking the ten thousand kitchen boxes that had lived in the garage for nearly 3 months.

We went out for Cuban food, opened some wine, and took about 18 trips to the Russian store. And then, finally it was Tuesday, and packed like sardines into my car, we made our way down to the hospital...

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