Now before you accuse me of rushing her out the door and into an other's arms before the poor kid has even had the chance to be born, let me assure you that this is completely on the up-and-up.
What it means, is that the baby, in anticipation of celebrating her birthday, has descended into the pelvic area. So what I once simply referred to as "wedged," now has a much more official and doctor-sanctioned moniker.
For most mothers-to-be, engagement comes hand-in-hand with another term - "lightening." Quite literally, mothers feel relief from the pressure that their baby is putting on their internal organs as the kid falls lower in the uterus. Breathing becomes easier, weight is taken off of the stomach... I suspect this happens with the other kind of "engagement" too - when parents can finally take a deep breath, finding that their child is moving on with his/her live and won't be living out the rest of their post-collegiate days at home.
Of course, because She-Blob is breech, the engagement has changed little for her and me. She is just that much more stuck like a cork in a bottle, ass down, head/arms/legs planted firmly in my lungs. I hope this is not a portend for years to come...
Image by stephend9
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